Hi! I’m Chloé
I’m an American expat working and living in Hamilton, Ontario. I originally came to Canada for university and then fell in love with the culture, safety, healthcare, and the (actual) freedom in this country. I’m kinda a contrarian. I like to do things my own way and I carve out a life for myself according to my own wishes. I do not care to keep up with the Jones’s (who ever they are) nor do I put much value in societal expectations. If you are a contrarian like myself welcome! If not, also welcome!

Max was my first kitty- an orange tabby who unfortunately passed away from kitty HIV. We played outside together growing up, and he was my first buddy.

I’ve always loved to move my body, especially upside down. Yoga inversions, aerial ribbons, you name it. There’s a particular feeling I get when I have too much energy in my body and I have to move it now!

Oh Canada!
I am so grateful to be here. This country has my heart and I yearn to make it my home.